Digital repositories do have significant advantages compared to the conventional ones. Easiness in cataloguing, availability for multiple users at any time instant etc are its high points concerning a student. This year we have introduced the concept of digital repository in this institution with a massive collection of video lectures pertaining to various topics of relevance to the UG course contents. The lectures were conducted by experts in respective fields of learning, representing prestigious institutions of technological studies in India such as IIT’s and IISC. Christened as E library this construct was officially inaugurated by Sri.Roshi Augustine MLA, Idukki, on 11th of February 2012. College Central Library provides access to IEEE (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org ) Springer and Mc Graw-Hill Acess Engineering (https://accessengineeringlibrary.com) E- Journals. There is also a provision to access McGraw-Hill E-books (https:// mcgrawhilleducation.pdn.ipublishcentral.com).